Go Rumailah Farm
Conceived in 2017 as a local and reliable source of high-quality milk, Rumailah Farm is the most natural and authentic milk provider in the eastern Emirates.
The team at Rumailah Farm is guaranteed to make you feel right at home with every visit. If Rumailah Farm is known for one thing, it's for having the freshest and creamiest products in town.
Rumailah Farm offers a full range of dairy products, including milk, butter, laban, ice cream, and ghee (Arabic Oil). Rumailah Farm products are available in a range of sizes and flavours, designed to give customers just what they are looking for.

Get in touch with this Lokal company
Rumailah Farm Company
United Arab Emirates – Fujeirah
+971 9 22 39 090

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The UAE has a very rich heritage and culture full of hidden gems, that are waiting for a larger audience to be discovered.
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